Easy Genomics:
Is it really that easy?

Kelsey Florek, PhD, MPH
Senior Genomics and Data Scientist
Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene
September 13, 2023

Slides live at:


  1. What is Easy Genomics
  2. Easy Genomics: Minimal Viable Product (MVP)
  3. AWS HealthOmics
  4. Demo

Easy Genomics

Easy Genomics

Easy Genomics

Easy Genomics

  • The Needs:
    • User accounts and authentication
    • Simple process for uploading and/or submitting genomic sequencing data for analysis
    • Allow users to select and easily configure analyses
    • Access to analytical workflow status and results
  1. What is Easy Genomics
  2. Easy Genomics: Minimal Viable Product (MVP)
  3. AWS HealthOmics
  4. Demo

Easy Genomics

Easy Genomics - Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

  • 3 user types: super admin, lab admin, user
  • supports multiple "labs" with separate workflows and users
  • enables data submission through web interface into AWS S3 and automated samplesheet generation
  • runs analytical workflows through Nextflow Tower API
  1. What is Easy Genomics
  2. Easy Genomics: Minimal Viable Product (MVP)
  3. AWS HealthOmics
  4. Demo

AWS HealthOmics

AWS HealthOmics

  • removes the need to configure and manage complex cloud infrastructure involving AWS Batch / EC2
  • provides tailored storage for sequence and variant data
  • supports Nextflow & WDL workflows
  • requires staging workflow containers and data
  • challenging workflow configuration
  • accessible through API

Easy Genomics - AWS HealthOmics: Proof of Concept (PoC)

Develop an open sourced solution powered by AWS’ HealthOmics, that will provide an easy-to-use, web-based interface that will facilitate access to key genomic sequencing pipelines for all lab technicians, with limited training and no technical skills.

Easy Genomics - AWS HealthOmics: Development Roadmap

Easy Genomics - Open Source and Community Driven

  1. What is Easy Genomics
  2. Easy Genomics: Minimal Viable Product (MVP)
  3. AWS HealthOmics
  4. Demo



Abigail Shockey, PhD
Christopher Jossart, MPH
Dustin Lyfoung, MS

Special Thanks