The ATGCs of whole genome sequencing for Public Health

Kelsey Florek, MPH, PhD
2018 Wisconsin Virology Conference
June 19, 2018

Slides available at:

How sequencing is performed

How information is analyzed

How sequencing informs Public Health

Discovery of DNA

  • 1869 - Johann Friedrich Miescher discovered 'nuclein'
  • "...entire family of such phosphorus-containing substances, which differ slightly from one another, will reveal itself, and that this family of nuclein bodies will prove tantamount in importance to proteins."
    • Miescher F (1871c) Ueber die cheische Zusammensetzung der Eiterzellen. Medicinsich-chemische Untersuchungen 4:441-460
  • 150 years later...

Sanger's method of sequencing

1977 - Frederick Sanger: dideoxy chain-termination method

Sanger's method of sequencing

1977 - Frederick Sanger: dideoxy chain-termination method

Sanger's method of sequencing

1977 - Frederick Sanger: dideoxy chain-termination method
  • limited to ~800bp for each sequence
  • high per base-pair cost
  • time consuming
  • gold standard for accuracy

Generating Sequence information

  • short read

    • 300bp max
    • millions of reads
    • 99.9999% accuracy
    • low cost per sample
  • long read

    • 2.3mb reads
    • thousands of reads
    • 98% accuracy
    • high cost per sample

Analyzing sequencing data and reconstructing genomes

amplicon sequencing

Shotgun whole-genome assembly

Shotgun whole-genome assembly

Issues with repeats and short reads

Metagenomic approaches

The Public Health benefits of sequencing

Sequencing as a method of characterization

  • Biochemical - characterization of metabolic pathways
  • Physical - caracterization of proteins (MALDI-TOF)
  • Genetic - caracterization of genes and gene variants


Outbreak identification

Sequencing advances Public Health

  • Offers more precise examination of organisms
  • Streamlined work flow -> sequencing parallelizes many laboratory methods
  • Sequencing information is valuable and easily shared leading to improvement in many areas
